Clothespin Project

>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

I have always loved clothespins, and over the years I have made quite a few things from them. They are not, just for hanging clothes out on a clothesline, you know.

The first thing I ever made was the famous clothespin reindeer, and that was way back in probably 1983-84.

Next, came little Christmas bears, sitting on lace positioned atop a clothespin. I loved this idea, because they could be placed at the end of a tree branch where nothing else seemed to fit. I'd say I probably did those somewhere around 1994-95.

Years passed before I thought of something else to do with the trusty clothespin. In 2000-2001, I came up with the idea of gluing a poinsettia to the top of the pin. These were used to fill in those "holes" every Christmas tree seems to have. I loved them, and I still put poinsettia's on my tree to this day.

My latest project, actually has nothing to do with Christmas. I had bought a pack of clothespins a while back with the intention of using them on my clothes line. Then we had to take down the line when we started on the back porch. So, there they were, in an unopened package just begging to be made into something useful. So, I copied an idea from a craft project site and came up with these. Using scrapbook paper, I cut and glued the strips to the pins. I added the punched flower, finishing it off with a button. I took them to work and clipped them on my co-workers wall pockets, where they are perfect for keeping notes or reminders. I think they would be great for holding together bills needing to be paid, vegetable or flower seed packets, things to do, etc. I'm thinking of doing me a little set for my office. So, there you go, a project you can complete in 20 minutes or less!


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