A little rain.....and a rare sighting

>> Sunday, September 26, 2010

When's the last time I saw one of these guys? Well, I can tell you it's been a while. The last turtle we had in the compound escaped at least a couple of years ago, so I would guess that would be when. Every now and then Trevor will mention seeing one down the hill in the backyard. You'd think living in the country that we would cross paths more often than we do.

But today, seeing this girl, it reminded me of the days of:

Walking in the rain, jumping in mudpuddles, carrying umbrellas and keeping an eye out for a hidden turtle in the leaves.

Rescuing misguided turtles from sure road death.

Finding turtles at auctions.

Naming turtles after the ever so famous Ninja turtles. Remember Raphael, Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Donatello?

Naming turtles girl names like Madeline or Samantha.

Being brought turtles by concerned neigbhors who knew of our turtle compound.

Watching newly hatched turtles, with their shells so soft, head toward the small pool.

Yep, with light drizzle falling, it's not surprising to see her out an about. After all we were always more successful of finding them after a rain.

Enjoy the memory!


Laurie Elaine, Ph.D. September 30, 2010 at 6:09 PM  

Awwww - look at that box turtle! I love all those memories - I remember when we poured the pond and how we always had a mean mud turtle in there. I remember stepping in barefoot to feed them earthworms and them snapping at my toes. And peeing on my hand.

Madeline was my favorite!

And I think I heard that they are remaking the Ninja turtle movies? I watched TMNT II with Kirk over labor days. It was a cinematic gem as Aaronus would say.

Which reminds me - have you seen the trailers for the new HP movie? It looks SO good!

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